Senin, 29 November 2010

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Ke 2 tugas sofskil

1. tulislah 5(lima) presen tence sntences with each form (+,-,?)
1.(+) She is a new people here.
(-) She isn’t a new people here.
(?) is she a new people here?
2.(+) He plays football every morning.
(-) He not playing football every morning.
(?) How playing football every morning?
3.(+) They are studying English now.
(-) They aren’t studying English now.
(?) Is he playing badminton now?
4.(+) He is playing badminton now
(-) he isn't playing badminton now.
(?) Is she going to market now?
5.(+) I have gone.
(-) I haven’t gone.
(?) hafe i gone?

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